Sensory Play Sand

Why Your Children Should Play In The Sand

Sensory play sand, a unique and tactile material, has become an invaluable tool for pediatric occupational therapists. This article “digs” into the essence of sensory play sand, exploring its definition, the reasons behind its use by OTs, various application methods, and a comparison of different brands available in the market.

What is Sensory Play Sand?

Sensory play sand is a specially designed material that combines the properties of regular sand with a few additional characteristics, making it clean, mess-free, and moldable. Unlike traditional sand found in playgrounds or beaches, sensory play sand sticks to itself but not to hands, allowing easy cleanup and maintenance. Its unique texture and consistency provide a satisfying sensory experience for children, making it an excellent tool for play, learning, and therapy.

Why Occupational Therapists Use Sensory Play Sand

Occupational therapists have adopted sensory play sand as a staple in their toolkit for a variety of reasons:

  1. Sensory Integration: Many children, especially those with sensory processing disorders, autism spectrum disorders, or ADHD, can find sensory play sand soothing. Its texture offers a just-right challenge for tactile sensitive individuals, helping them gradually get accustomed to different textures and sensations.

  2. Fine Motor Skills Development: Playing with sensory play sand can significantly enhance a child’s fine motor skills. Molding, squeezing, and sculpting sand requires precision and coordination, which are important skills for writing, buttoning, and other daily tasks.

  3. Creative and Cognitive Growth: The open-ended nature of sensory play with sand encourages creativity, problem-solving, and cognitive development. Children learn about cause and effect, spatial relationships, and planning as they engage in play. Free play offers opportunities for enhancing cognitive flexibility.

  4. Emotional Regulation and Stress Relief: The tactile experience of sensory sand can be incredibly soothing for many children, providing a form of stress relief and helping with emotional regulation. It can be a safe outlet for expressing emotions.

Different Ways of Using Sensory Play Sand

Sensory play sand's versatility allows it to be used in myriad ways to support children's development:

  • Therapeutic Use: In a therapeutic setting, therapists might use sensory play sand to address specific developmental goals, such as improving fine motor skills, regulating arousal level, or promoting sensory integration.

  • Educational Activities: Teachers and parents can use sensory play sand in educational activities to teach concepts like letters, numbers, and shapes by having children trace or mold them in the sand.

  • Creative Play: The sand can be used for imaginative play scenarios, from creating landscapes for toy figures to sculpting objects. This type of play supports creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • Group Activities: Sensory play sand can also be used for cooperative play among children, promoting social skills and teamwork as they work together on projects and share materials.

Different Types of Brands

The popularity of sensory play sand has led to the emergence of various brands, each offering unique features. Here’s a brief overview of some popular options:

  1. Kinetic Sand: One of the first and most well-known brands, Kinetic Sand is renowned for its smooth texture and high moldability. It comes in various colors and sets, including those with themed molds, and even magnetic versions.

  2. Mad Mattr: This brand is praised for its super soft texture and extended moldability. It's unique in that it can be stretched and shaped more extensively than other types of sensory play sand.

  3. National Geographic Play Sand: Known for its educational value, this brand often includes themed sets that encourage learning about science and nature while playing.

  4. CoolSand: CoolSand stands out for its vibrant colors and gluten-free formula, making it a great option for children with allergies.

Diggin It

Sensory play sand is more than just a plaything; it’s a versatile material that supports children's development across various domains, from sensory processing and fine motor skills to emotional regulation and cognitive growth. Its adoption by occupational therapists highlights its therapeutic value, while teachers and parents appreciate its educational and creative benefits. With numerous brands on the market, there’s a type of sensory play sand to meet the needs and preferences of most children, making it an indispensable tool in the journey of childhood development. Whether for therapeutic purposes, educational activities, or simple play, sensory play sand is a resource that can offer endless hours of beneficial and engaging experiences for children.

Kimberley Arnett-DeSimone, a career pediatric occupational therapist in Huntersville, North Carolina, authored this post.


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