An Eagles Quest

About This Story

This story is about Courage and Community

  • Have you ever had a goal to accomplish something big?

  • In this story, Eddy dreams of reaching the highest peak.

An Eagles Quest

A young eagle named Eddy was a scout who lived in a small mountainous tree village. The top mountain, which could touch the clouds, was called Eagles Quest Ridge and was a place of honor among the eagles. Reaching its peak by flight was considered a rite of passage in order to become a true scout, a feat Eddy longed to achieve.

A group of Eddy’s classmates had already soared to the mountain's summit, their feathers glinting triumphantly against the sun. Eddy, however, struggled to have the strength to reach such heights. With each failed attempt, his heart grew heavier, shadowed with a feeling of not being good enough, almost as if his wings and muscles betrayed him.

One evening, Eddy shared his failure with his grandfather, an eagle of great wisdom and strength. "Grandfather, why can’t I reach the mountain like the others? I feel so... left behind," Eddy confessed, his voice a soft echo of defeat.

His grandfather, perched beside him, turned with gentle eyes. "Eddy, the sky does not keep time on our achievements. Every eagle flies at their own pace, and reaching the peak is not a race. What matters most is the courage to spread your wings, to embrace the wind with all your heart," he said, his voice as calming as the evening breeze.

He suggested, "Why not speak to those who’ve reached the top? Offer them your admiration for their achievement, and ask for guidance. There’s strength in acknowledging the success of others and seeking wisdom from their experiences."

"And remember," his grandfather continued, "to extend your wing to those who, like you, are finding their way. Together, you will find strength in each other’s support and encouragement to keep trying and soaring."

Inspired by his grandfather’s words, Eddy reached out to his peers, offering praise and seeking their advice. He also spent time with those who struggled as he did, sharing hopes and dreams. They encouraged each other, their spirits lifted by the bond of shared aspirations.

Over time, Eddy's wings grew stronger, and he achieved great feats, but those achievements meant so much more because of the support and wisdom shared among his new friends and their community.

The End.

Let’s talk about the story.

  • Eddy felt betrayed by his wings and doubted his self-worth. What did his wise grandfather teach him?

  • Did it take courage for Eddy to ask his peers how they succeeded?

  • Eddy learned to be patient, to keep trying, to acknowledge other’s success, and to share what he was learning. Did it matter that he wasn’t the first to reach the summit?

  • Have you ever complimented someone else for achieving something you hope to do one day? How did it feel?

I hope you enjoyed our story, come visit again.



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