Paws Meets Winnie The Cat

About This Story

This story is about the value of Friendship

  • Have you ever had to switch games when a friend came to visit?

  • In this story, Paws chooses to play with a new friend.

Paws Meets Winnie The Cat

In the garden park, Paws the Puppy was excited. He ran from tree to tree and then saw a big wooden swing. "Swings!" Paws yipped, rushing to swing.

Winnie the Cat strolled up with her tail up high.

Paws saw Winnie and invited her to play.

Winnie meowed, “Cats prefer to jump and pounce. Do you want to play chase?”

Paws thought about it, and although he wanted to keep swinging, he thought, "I really do like making friends."

So, Paws jumped down from the swing and started to run with his new friend. Winnie chased behind him. They had so much fun! Then Winnie pounced, and the two new friends rolled over and over on the grass.

After a little while, Winnie said. “I guess I will try the swing now. Do you still want to swing Paws?”

Paws nodded, "Best day!"

Then, Paws helped Winnie by giving her swing a push.

Soon, it was time to go home, so they left the garden park and said goodbye.

Even though they had just met that day, they both felt they had made a new friend.

The End

Let’s talk about the story.

  • Do you think it was hard for Paws to stop swinging in order to play what Winnie wanted to play?

  • Why do you think Winnie decided to swing?

  • Is it more important to share fun times with friends, or to play what you want when you want?

  • Would you agree that things are more fun when you can share the experience with someone else?

I hope you enjoyed our story, come visit again.



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