Danny To The Moon

About This Story

This story is about using your imagination to visit far away places.

  • If you had a rocket ship, where would you like to go visit?

  • In this story, Danny proves that with a little imagination, you can travel anywhere.

Danny To The Moon

For his birthday, Danny got a shiny rocket ship. It was as tall as he was and had all kinds of gears and gauges on the front. The back of the rocket ship had a hinged door that opened and closed.

One summer day, Danny declared, “my rocket ship is real.” "I'm going to the moon!" Danny announced, as he climbed inside it with a big smile.

Closing his eyes, he counted, "3...2...1...blast off!" Danny felt the rocket zoom through space.

Landing softly, Danny carefully stepped out onto the moon. "Wow!" he gasped, hopping around like an astronaut. “This is the best summer trip ever!”

After exploring and collecting several moon rocks, Danny climbed back in his rocket ship and flew home, just in time for dinner.

"I just went to the moon!" Danny told his mom with a giggle.

She hugged him, "What an adventure! Now, my young astronaut, wash that moon dust off your hands and sit down for dinner."

Danny's rocket ship made every day of the summer exciting, proving that you can travel anywhere with a little imagination.

The End

Let’s talk about the story.

  • Can you imagine what it would be like to walk on the moon?

  • Have you ever used a big box and your imagination to pretend it is something else? Maybe a submarine, an airplane, or a hot air balloon?

  • Where might Danny visit next in his rocket ship?

  • Have you ever collected rocks or shells? What might Danny do with all his moon rocks?

I hope you enjoyed our story, come visit again.



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